Our New House

Wow! Two posts in two days. A new record. Now i just have to work on adding pictures. And content.

I just wanted to give you an update on our new house.
We didnt move all the way from Japan to live in an apartment, so we now own a house in Maple Ridge BC. A little ways out of downtown, but a nice place for the kids.

Gold And Silver room for Noa: check
New flooring for Davids office: check
Kickass desk for my office: check
Furniture we couldnt afford: check
A yard that requires a fence and leveling: check

So… Lots to do, lots of money spent, but look forward to having you all visit soon.

Love David

Where are we? Being robbed. That’s where.

Quick update.

Moved to Vancouver.

Like Vancouver.

Got robbed in Vancouver. Have no wedding ring, engagement ring, Dad’s watch, documents, cameras and computers.


Feeling better but still no stuff.

Everyone is coming on April 18th, and once we get a camera back, we should be in business!

Expect some updates soon! In the meantime, follow my twitter if you need daily updates.
