Noa has been cut off!

That’s right…

Noa has now officially been weened off of the ever exciting breast milk and is now finally getting to sleep by himself.

It was a rough beginning. After two days of hour long crying sessions the third night went something like this:

  1. We lay Noa down (5 seconds)
  2. He got up
  3. Walks around (10 seconds)
  4. Sits down and cries (long time)
  5. Cries (long time)
  6. Gets up
  7. Repeat

and then out of nowhere he gets up and drapes himself over Kiko … and goes to sleep. In a second. LITERALLY 1 SECOND. I thought he was just playing … but no. asleep.



We were operating under the assumption that he tired himself out so much crying that he just crashed.


New Years in Tanegashima

… 2007 in Tokyo! Welcome.

We were off to the beautiful island of Tanegashima again for New Years this year. I thought I had already posted this, but I guess not!

At any rate, we got to see Kiko’s family, and Noa got to play with his 3 cousins, Hina, Kana and Shuichiro. (aka his lover).


We also celebrated … something … I forget the name, but they put a heavy load on Noa’s back and made him step on rice. Um… ok..? weird.


Kana (the middle one) is all dressed up for her ceremony. Look how cute she is!





and finally a picture of me and her for good luck.


and one of all of us!


An Update – finishing off last year

We are planning a big post of all the things we have been up to over the New Years. Expect those soon!

In the meantime, a little bit of house cleaning. Here is a video of I have been meaning to put up of Noa’s 1st slide ride.

But before that, the man himself wants to say hey.


I’m not ghey!

and now for the feature presentation

希空くんのビデオ (スライド)

I KNEW IT! It’s official…

The proof is in hand.

There is no more denying it.

Please start sending dresses and pink stuff ghey stuff.

Noa has indeed caught the ghey at some un-identified time in the past.

GHEY… thy name is: Shuichiro. Noa’s cousin. Ghey incest.


Need more proof???



(this picture may or may not have been taken against both their will as daddy and mommy egged them on.)

Happy New Year!! (and Merry Christmas…? in pictures!)

Happy New Years!!!

Kiko, Noa, and I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. We are celebrating this year on Kiko’s island, so Internet access is a bit scarce.

That being said, this will mark’s 3rd year in existence, and its about time for an overhaul. I am off work next week and am going to fix a number of problems including the password one. Please check back for lots of changes, and a (better) place to see what we are all up to. We miss you all, wish we could be spending time with all of you, but thank you all for visiting here to see what we are doing.

Now… I promised the picture version to the last entry, and I was hoping to get it up before New Years. New Year’s pictures will be up… soon. In the meantime, here are a few more pictures of Noa opening up presents from Christmas.

Happy New Year, love davidandkikoandnoa (.com)





