More pictures from Canada (and Japan vs. Australia!)

I am just getting ready for my flight this morning, which I might have to miss as Japan has their World Cup Opener against Australia. I am supposed to be at the airport at 10:30am, but the game begins at 8:55am.

Why am I so excited? Well, since both Canada and Jamaica are not in the World Cup this year (make that only once ever for Canada!) Japan becomes my adopted team. While Brazil will probably take the group, as long as Japan can win this morning and carry some momentum over to the Croatia game, they might have a chance. Don’t get too excited…

Now for those of you who don’t care about the soccer (!!??) here are some more pictures of Noa hanging out with his family in Canada…. (I won’t see Noa and Kiko for almost 11 days 🙁 as they will be keeping my Mum company in Canada) The first picture is in celebration of my friend’s engagement!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! 😛
Dave and Chris Noa and Thomas
More Chris

Noa updates

Since we haven’t updated in awhile, many of you have been asking for some Noa updates. 😮

I’m getting a little stressed myself as I won’t see Noa for a little while as I will be heading back to Japan a little earlier. 🙁 I guess I will have to visit the website to see Noa too!

Anyways, here are some recent Noa photos. He crawls, he speaks (sort of), he sleeps…. and he still looks like a girl. (apparently.)

We are going to get him a haircut any day now…

Noa  Noa  Kiko and Noa

Just to set the record straight…

it turns out that baby’s eyes do in fact grow. Both Kiko and I had read (separately, in Japanese and English) that the eye was the only part of a baby that didn’t grow. Apparently we were wrong. Very wrong.

Because baby’s eyes look so large in comparison with the rest of their face, it is a common misconception that the eye does not grow.

There you go… learned something new. Sorry guys! 😳

Although the circumstances were the worst possible, it was great seeing so many of our friends. We look forward to seeing you all in summer.

Dinner with friends  Dinner with friends

Noa is a star

In all seriousness, I have recently informed Kiko that when we move to Tokyo, Noa will have to pay his own room and board (hopefully Kiko’s too!) through baby modelling gigs. Yes… he is that cute. 😛
So anyways, Kagawa (where we live, remember?) has this magazine called TJ Kagawa. Noa has recently made his publication debut there. It is not very exciting (they just photographed him at his play group [play group??]) and they printed his name as a girl (with the girl suffix -chan) … but it’s a start…

(from Kiko) のあくんが行っている育児サークルに雑誌の取材が来て、6月号のTJ KAGAWAに希空くんの写真が載りました!

Noa in TJ Kagawa Noa in TJ Kagawa

It says: “Bennett Noa-chan [girl’s suffix]. We are having fun at this playgroup.”

neat. (except for the girl part. perhaps Noa has already caught the gay?)

David’s Muffins


先週末、なぜか急にDavidが「マフィンを作る」 と言い出し、見事なブルーベリーマフィンを作りました!David初のお菓子作りでしたが、おいしかった。 😛 普段料理などまったくしないので、私はかなりびっくりでした。

Davids Muffins

(Do you want a translation?) It basically says:

“David is a better muffin maker then I can ever hope to be. by: Kiko”

May Picture Roundup & News

So anyways. Apart from our cherry blossom background, people seem quite pleased with the new site design. I still have a few photo albums to get up (ie. a whole new photo gallery) and a few changes here and there, but so far so good.

We will be leaving our home in Chunan/Manno on August 5th. We will head back to Canada for 2 weeks of excitement. I think I mentioned it here, but I was (very!) fortunate to receive the Japanese MEXT Research Scholarship and will be studying at Gakushuin University (学習院) in Tokyo. That begins in October. We will have to find a new place to live, and it looks like Noa will be a city boy for the next year and a half or so.

Anyways, now that the news is out of the way… People have been asking about how big Noa is getting and what he can do.  Kiko has compiled some pictures of Noa’s brillance.

Noa is cute  Toothbrush Noa can stand Noa can pose Noa is very cute
That is all.