
Look – it’s Tanegashiman!

You know the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, right!? They are based on a reoccurring series of 5-person -colour coded-group-fighting-team-show (sentai) that has been airing in Japan for the past 30 years. Every year or so the group, the group’s name and abilities change (which Mighty Morphin Power Rangers did by keeping the same group but adding “new vehicles and costumes” etc.) and get’s a new name. It is usually something “-man” or “-ranger.”

Someone thought it was a good idea to promote Tanegashima (Kiko’s island, remember?) and have “Tanegashi-man” a group of super heroes that run around the island. neat.


Speaking of neat…

may-2006-sleeping.jpg 5.0 – Post Styles

So welcome to the test style post for the Sawchuk Scheme, for K2. I think its great as its designed to emphasize the content over the style of the site. Anyway, there is a lot of dummy text here, where possible I have indicated the style used. Feel free to look at the HTML source if confused. Anyway, so then after I earned my first million, I learned how to speak latin! Ulla hendrerit massa sit amet nunc. Donec pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc dolor. Duis dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse nulla. Aenean vehicula lacinia lacus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tincidunt nibh ut libero.

p class=”code” Donec pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc dolor. Duis dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse nulla. Aenean vehicula lacinia lacus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tincidunt nibh ut libero.

Nulla hendrerit massa sit amet nunc. Donec pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc dolor. Duis dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse nulla. Aenean vehicula lacinia lacus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tincidunt nibh ut libero.

class=”blue_hilite” Donec pede. Here is a link!

class=”callout” In porttitor. Suspendisse nonummy felis nec lacus. Quisque sapien nisi, viverra ut, accumsan vitae, tincidunt at, tortor. Etiam nisi libero, porttitor in, ultrices sed, lobortis vitae, lorem.

class=”alert” Danger Will Robinson!

class=”download” The Official Sawchuk Wallpaper

class=”other” Danger Will Robinson!




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Default Blockquote Style
Maecenas eu sapien. Phasellus et augue. Mauris a mauris a elit bibendum porttitor. Sed eu enim. Pellentesque eget ante. Mauris dictum pede a nisl mollis commodo. Ut vel urna et tellus imperdiet varius. In varius sapien quis nunc. Morbi a dolor a sem interdum condimentum. Donec tellus libero, egestas eu, pellentesque a, auctor a, odio. Aliquam condimentum fermentum nunc. In eros dolor, adipiscing et, ultricies id, tempus vitae, diam. Morbi vehicula sagittis massa. Nunc feugiat. Mauris accumsan erat in orci. Sed blandit libero eu purus. Vivamus et risus. Etiam id pede quis justo laoreet euismod.

blockquote class=”green” Vestibulum sem magna, adipiscing eget, elementum sit amet, interdum id, mauris. Fusce aliquet nulla a lacus. Vestibulum blandit nulla quis odio. Nullam sem felis, molestie a, pulvinar ut, mattis vitae, sem. Integer ut justo. Quisque bibendum metus ut diam. Fusce accumsan condimentum erat. Vestibulum ornare nunc sed orci. Maecenas erat felis, tempus ut, molestie ac, sodales a, neque. Duis ac arcu. Donec tellus tortor, elementum in, imperdiet eget, sodales ut, lectus. Aenean scelerisque velit vitae sem. Pellentesque neque.

class=”callout” (with no links) Nunc euismod mi non nisl. Donec consectetuer. Donec nonummy. Duis vitae est vitae odio rutrum pellentesque. Nunc hendrerit pretium pede. Pellentesque fringilla vestibulum erat. Quisque volutpat vestibulum mauris.

Goalie Hero

blockquote class=”red” Praesent pulvinar pellentesque magna. Pellentesque feugiat diam eu eros. Praesent id arcu. Morbi in odio. Nullam eu orci ut tortor vehicula viverra. Phasellus mollis. Morbi pede elit, volutpat iaculis, posuere in, placerat vel, enim. Sed leo pede, feugiat at, ornare vel, pulvinar ac, nunc. Phasellus viverra, metus sit amet scelerisque volutpat, metus erat dignissim velit, eget hendrerit enim turpis eu nunc. In viverra semper massa. Mauris dolor lacus, consectetuer id, tincidunt ac, fermentum id, lectus. Cras elementum vestibulum turpis. Suspendisse non est imperdiet mauris dapibus nonummy. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non mauris. Donec risus. Vivamus id pede. Cras non dolor nec mi congue fringilla.

Noa Closeups #2

yes… I am still working on the new version.

yes…. it will come out soon.

yes…. I miss my shoutbox just as much as you do.

and yes… oh yes… I am still a photographic genius (who sometimes takes credit for Kiko or Lee’s photos)

2006-closeup1.jpg 2006-closeup2.jpg 2006-closeup3.jpg

(Why more Noa pictures? because he is cute. and he is mine. besides, people really liked the original closeups so i thought you might enjoy these as well…)

(ps. that may or may not be me in the first picture. regardless, i took the picture.) emoticon

Golden Week

We are now back in Kagawa after a trip to Kiko’s island (Tanegashima) for Golden Week. Noa is fatterer, I am tired, Kiko got a haircut, and we had a great time!

Noa got to spend time with his cousins (Hina, Kana, and Shu), his Aunt (Mie) and Uncle (Takao), and his grandparents.

I would have more for you, but (as my last post stated!) I am hard at work on the new website. Expect good things soon. In the meantime, perhaps you can get as excited about this as I am.

(Our shoutbox is currently offline because I can’t seem to stop the spam. Give me a few days!) emoticon

may-2006-tanegashima1.jpg may-2006-tanegashima2.jpg may-2006-tanegashima3.jpg may-2006-tanegashima4.jpg may-2006-tanegashima5.jpg

Dare I say it?

I bet no one remembers that I am currently working on a new version of … been working on it for awhile. (more than a year!)

Dare I say that it is almost done? Spam has been destroying our shoutbox above, so I have had to focus on that the last couple of days… but… (and this is a big but!) hopefuly I will have a new version out by the end of this week. Look out for it.

In the meantime, here is a picture of Noa. He has recently learned to roll over and fell asleep while stuck in his rollover position. emoticon


Children’s Day (Boy’s Festival)

May 5th is Children’s Day in Japan (kodomo no hi). Just to summarize, apparently it is a day to celebrate children’s personalities and their happiness… whatever that means. In a nutshell, families with little boys put up really large poles with carp “kites” (called koinobori) [on May 5th, traditionally known as boy’s day] to represent the boy’s strength and virility. Families with girls put up really nice dolls (hinamatsuri) [on May 3rd, tradtionally known as girl’s day] epresenting the Heian Court from aproximately 1000 years ago.

Now back in Kagawa we had some little tiny koinobori (carp flags… are you paying attention!?) (tiny because we have no where to put them!). After packing up and heading to Tanegashima (Kiko’s island) for the holiday, Kiko’s parents surprised us (noa) with some very big koinobori. And I mean very big… I spent an afternoon standing up a big huge pole right outside of Kiko’s parent’s house. It was definitely a nice way to celebrate. Noa seemed to really enjoy them too… (this coming from the baby who loves plastic shopping bags).

While on Tanegashima Noa gets to spend time with his cousions, Hina, Kana, and Shuichiro and gets to ride an airplane for like the 80th time in his life. Enjoy!

2006-may-koinobori.jpg 2006-may-noaandairplane.jpg 2006-apr-kanaandnoa.jpg

That is all. We are scheduled to be on the island from April 28th to May 7th. emoticon