Noa Closeups #2

yes… I am still working on the new version.

yes…. it will come out soon.

yes…. I miss my shoutbox just as much as you do.

and yes… oh yes… I am still a photographic genius (who sometimes takes credit for Kiko or Lee’s photos)

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(Why more Noa pictures? because he is cute. and he is mine. besides, people really liked the original closeups so i thought you might enjoy these as well…)

(ps. that may or may not be me in the first picture. regardless, i took the picture.) emoticon

Golden Week

We are now back in Kagawa after a trip to Kiko’s island (Tanegashima) for Golden Week. Noa is fatterer, I am tired, Kiko got a haircut, and we had a great time!

Noa got to spend time with his cousins (Hina, Kana, and Shu), his Aunt (Mie) and Uncle (Takao), and his grandparents.

I would have more for you, but (as my last post stated!) I am hard at work on the new website. Expect good things soon. In the meantime, perhaps you can get as excited about this as I am.

(Our shoutbox is currently offline because I can’t seem to stop the spam. Give me a few days!) emoticon

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Dare I say it?

I bet no one remembers that I am currently working on a new version of … been working on it for awhile. (more than a year!)

Dare I say that it is almost done? Spam has been destroying our shoutbox above, so I have had to focus on that the last couple of days… but… (and this is a big but!) hopefuly I will have a new version out by the end of this week. Look out for it.

In the meantime, here is a picture of Noa. He has recently learned to roll over and fell asleep while stuck in his rollover position. emoticon


Children’s Day (Boy’s Festival)

May 5th is Children’s Day in Japan (kodomo no hi). Just to summarize, apparently it is a day to celebrate children’s personalities and their happiness… whatever that means. In a nutshell, families with little boys put up really large poles with carp “kites” (called koinobori) [on May 5th, traditionally known as boy’s day] to represent the boy’s strength and virility. Families with girls put up really nice dolls (hinamatsuri) [on May 3rd, tradtionally known as girl’s day] epresenting the Heian Court from aproximately 1000 years ago.

Now back in Kagawa we had some little tiny koinobori (carp flags… are you paying attention!?) (tiny because we have no where to put them!). After packing up and heading to Tanegashima (Kiko’s island) for the holiday, Kiko’s parents surprised us (noa) with some very big koinobori. And I mean very big… I spent an afternoon standing up a big huge pole right outside of Kiko’s parent’s house. It was definitely a nice way to celebrate. Noa seemed to really enjoy them too… (this coming from the baby who loves plastic shopping bags).

While on Tanegashima Noa gets to spend time with his cousions, Hina, Kana, and Shuichiro and gets to ride an airplane for like the 80th time in his life. Enjoy!

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That is all. We are scheduled to be on the island from April 28th to May 7th. emoticon

Noa: An April Update

People have been complaining for more pictures. Kiko has been harassing me to put her pictures up. People think that we only put up the best looking pictures of Noa (and that he is not as 100% adorable as we make him out to be.) Someone… SOMEONE (i will name no names) accused Noa of having a unibrow…

so without any further delay… here are some pictures of Noa from the month of April! enjoy. emoticon


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