My good friend Marc has arrived and we will be touring Kyoto! Marc says koneecheewa!
Tag: david
Goodbye Chunan-cho!
Today Chunan-cho (仲南町) had their closing ceremonies. I had a wonderful time here and I am going to miss it terribly.
I love Daddy -KaPPa Version-
I thought this was a nice picture. (it’s his Kappa hat, from Tracy and Thomas, remember?)
We also decided to take some pictures of Noa’s first snowfall. Suffice it to say, he was not pleased with being made to sit through the second picture.
Setsubun and stuff that I forgot!
This may just be one of the magical/mystical posts that I make while I am still in Japan (getting ready to leave for Canada) but which appears on the site a few days later… maybe. You decide.
Don’t get too excited. Oh oh oh! Before I forget… Ricky Gervais is my hero. Forget the US version of the Office, take a look at the original Office, Extras, and listen to the podcast. It is really quite funny and provides me with lots of entertainment. Take a look and let me know what you think!!
At any rate, here are a few pictures that I had knocking about. Of some importance is our pictures from Setsubun. What is setsubun? And I quote…
In Japan, Setsubun (節分) is the day before the beginning of each season. The name literally means "division of season". Usually the term refers to the Spring Setsubun, properly called Risshun (立春), celebrated yearly on February 3rd (associated with the Lunar New Year).
All I know is that Kiko made Noa and I put on scary masks and throw beans.
I think there is something about it here…
Spring Setsubun is traditionally celebrated by the head of the household throwing pan-heated soybeans out the door, while chanting "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" (鬼は外! 福は内!). The literal meaning of the words is "Demons out! Luck in!" — the beans are thought to symbolically purify the home. In the Heian era, a famous Buddhist monk was said to have driven away Oni (demons or evil spirits) by throwing beans.
Enough with the chit-chat, here is the picture.
That was a big build up for just one picture, eh?
Here are a few other pictures I had laying around including a visit by the Kato family (one of my homestay families back when I was in highschool in Japan), Noa and me hanging out, Noa hanging out with his chair, and Noa’s first stroller ride. Enjoy!
Who’s the movie star?
If you may recall, awhile back I mentioned the video shoot I was involved in. Basically, I was lucky (fortunate? unfortunate?) enough to be selected as one of the people in the new JET video which is used to advertise the program to contracting organizations here in Japan and potential participants around the world.
Basically a film crew followed me around town for a few days. It was actually a lot of fun and kind of entertaining being followed by boom mics and cameras. I think it startled the people of my town as there were more camera people than townspeople in the most of the locations we shot at.
Anyways, as promised, here are a few photos of me in action. Some of the pictures include me at work, me at school, and me on camera. Enjoy! When the video comes out I will try and edit out my parts and upload them.
A good week?
Last week was a roller coaster. Lots of ups, and many more downs. Between my computer breaking, our Ipod Nano breaking, messing up a lot of translations, getting called on the messing up… the list goes on. Suffice it to say I was not pleased and I was kind of down.
On the other hand, I also had some very good things happen. Our MythTV box is back up and running (after a lot of work), I am still loving my job here in Chunan, and <drumroll>
I got the scholarship I applied for last year!!! Although I will be very sad to be leaving Chunan, from October of this year I will be attending Gakushuin University (known for the emperor’s family and politicians kids going there) through a very big government scholarship!! I am still in shock, but there are so many people I have to thank…. Kiko, Komuro-sensei, Arntzen-sensei, Ito-sensei, Jotaro, Ishikawa-sensei, Tracy, Shane, everyone else that helped me out with the application… THANK YOU!!
Like I said, it is going to be tough to leave Chunan, we really do love it here. But I am confident that this experience will help me move close to one day getting a job as a professor back in North America, so wish us luck!
Now since there were no pictures in our last post, Kiko has asked me to upload these family pictures we took in Tanegashima. I believe we promised to have them up earlier.. sorry! These are pictures from Noa’s omiyamairi, the blessing that Japanese children get after 30 days. We took family pictures after the ceremony.
We have also had quite a few visitors for Noa. Below are pictures with Liz (Jim’s girlfriend. In case you forgot, Jim is my good friend who bashed Noa’s head into the ceiling light.) Following that are many of my good friends here in Kagawa prefecture on the JET program, and finally Yoshiko Hirao. One of my most loyal and favourite students attending my town English classes. Enjoy!
The sadness that is my computer…
Oh god… it hurts! My super-cool Linux/MythTV/webserver computer blew up. Really really badly. I am actually pretty depressed. Why you ask? Well not only was it months of work (not to mention most of the changes for the new website && some non-backed up Noa video) but also because I was 10 seconds away from ensuring that everything was backed up. I am not exaggerating. I had just spent $100 on some backup stuff and was about to install it when POOF.
Other than that, things are pretty good. I have been lax on the updates because I was hoping to roll out the new website. That won’t be happening for awhile longer… I was also focusing more on davidandkiko updates as opposed to just Noa, but since all those pictures are gone too, you are going to have to suffice with the January update of Noa (with the pictures that were still in my cameras memory.)
For this weeks update. 1st there is a picture of me and Noa… just because.
Next… apparently some people were concerned about Noa’s hair standing up. It stands up all the time. It looks just like Hanawa (japanese musician). See what happens when (Kiko) makes his hair stay down…. he becomes sad
Even more people didn’t believe that Noa can actually smile or laugh (ahem!!) apparently I am mistaking this for gas. So this ones for you.
And finally …. THANK YOU SCOTT AND STACEY!! We actually had pictures of all the stuff you guys have sent us but its gone now (read earlier in this post… ) This one was still on my camera so give us a little bit more time to re-take them. For now have a look at his cool Roots-gear (not to mention a really cool jumper that we will show you soon… you’ll like it… trust me!)
That’s all I got. I am actually quite sad about my computer. because i am a loser. I am going to get back to fixing it… sigh.
Who is An-pan Man?
So some of our more astute readers have noticed that Noa has a bib (and a few other things!) with An-pan man on it. Who is An-pan man you ask? (and for those of you who didn’t click on the link I so nicely provided on his name!), I’m here to tell you.
An-pan man (fermented-bean bread man) is one of Japan’s most beloved cartoon characters along with Doraemon and Sazae-san. He has a bunch of friends including Toast-man, Melon-bread and some other equally as retarded cute friends.
He of course feeds his friends with his head (I thought he let them bite a chunk right out of his head, but apparently it is more complex. Kiko quickly informed me that he actually picks bits of his head off and gives them to his friends to eat. Oh. My bad.
You must also remember that his weaknesses are water and anything that makes his head dirty.
You crazy feremented-bean bread man.
Don’t say I never taught you anything. is an educational experience.
Now watch Kiko’s brother destroying me at shogi, the best game on earth.
Our New Years in Tanegashima
How exactly was our New Years in Tanegashima?
We figured your might be interested so I put up a few pictures to show you how it all went. Being from a more rural island, Kiko’s family was very into tradition, so we did a number of things from making rice cakes, to planting pine trees at the entrance of doorways, to visiting a shrine (or temple… or something). Noa has grown quite a bit in the 3 weeks since we have been here and has put on a lot of weight. He is getting stronger and is becoming quite expressive.
We hope you enjoy the pictures!
We also thought you might like my brilliant photography. If you have any complaints, its the camera’s fault. seriously. im perfect.
Noa : Up close and personal
Happy New Year … & stuff…
I am going to try not to cry as this is the second time I am writing this (stupid browser crash!), but suffice it to say we want to wish everyone a very very happy new year. Things have been quite hectic here as we are getting ready to leave Kiko’s island (we are going back to Kagawa today!!) and Noa has been keeping us quite busy. We are both looking forward to going back to Kagawa, but Kiko is going to miss her family and the help that have been giving to Noa. We aren’t very excited about the 20cm of snow and 6 degree house waiting for us there either…
Other than that, things are quite good! Noa is doing well (I’ll send pictures!) and we have been very busy preparing the new website. I know I have been saying this for the better part of 6 months, but the website is almost done! People have seen it and I think it looks quite good. In the next few days it should be up and should make it easier to update, a lot more interactive and fun for you guys, and be chalk full of photo galleries chronicling our lives over the past 2 years (with regular photo gallery updates!). So look forward to that!
A little bit of upsetting news however… we spent about 1 billion hours making Christmas cards and 年賀状 (nengajou) for pretty much everyone we know. Apparently only about 20% have arrived…! I am hoping that this is on account of the holiday season and the fact that we sent them fro Kiko’s island in the middle of the Pacific (I made that up.. I don’t know what Ocean we are in!) but expect them soon. In the meantime here is the christmas card you will be receiving, with a special note written in chicken scratches by me on the back. Enjoy!
That’s about it for now. Expect a whole lot of excitement/pictures/changes in the next few weeks here at We also look forward to an exciting 2006 with lots of changes for the website, us (job/where we live), and of course for Noa, who is on track to be a strapping handsome young boy (which is no surprise considering who his pappy is.)
We really appreciate everyone who keeps visiting the site and look forward to chatting with you through the comments and the chat box, etc.
In the meantime, go get skype. get it now. best thing ever. ask mike.
David & Kiko & Noa