Tag: goggy
Goggy and Sidney
Goggy passed away today at the age of 97.
Will write more later, and want to thank everyone for the kind words.
A big thank you to Scott for the following
so sorry to hear. i know she was such a wonderful person… always talked to me when i came by, asking about my life and was genuinely interested. she lived a really long and full life and always seemed happy and positive.
I wish I could have been there with her.
Goggy played a huge role in Shane and I growing up.
Back from Canada #3
Back from Canada #1
Canada Round-up
See below for what happens when you don’t visit davidandkiko.com
Why do you make the baby Noa cry? Does Baby Awesome (click that for some awesomeness) deserve this?
(No… I’m just joking. he’s crying because I beat him for being too cute.)
Although we still haven’t found a place to settle in yet here in Tokyo, that doesn’t mean we have a whole lot of excitement to share from our trip back to Canada. (ie. I still haven’t been able to get our photos off the camera yet. So these are a bit older…)
How about some Niagara Falls action? (one picture by me, one by Kiko)
How about some good friends?
How about family?
What about shocking good looks?
See? I am clever and funny. 😉
Ok heres what you really wanted…
Noa and his family in Canada
People have been asking for a few pictures of Noa and his family in Canada. Although we have a ton more (especially with Tracy and Thomas!) I am a lazy ass and haven’t had time to sort through them. There are also rumors of a Noa movie… I wonder if I could put it up here?
Here is Noa hanging out with his family in Canada…
Back to Japan
To think that a month has passed! Crazy. I can’t believe that it is alreday time to head back to Japan. Noa has gotten bigger, decided that he only wants to sleep when his Mom rocks him to sleep, we saw a few good friends, spent a lot of time with family and had a great time.
To the good friends that we didn’t see, or the ones we didn’t see enough of, SORRY! I would like to blame Noa (it is afterall his fault) but apparently everything is my fault.
I was also super surprised at the amount of things I didn’t get done. I didn’t read any books. I didn’t redo the website. I didn’t see nearly half the people I wanted too… what did we do? We introduced Noa to his Canadian family and I renewed my passport…
At any rate, here are a few more pictures of the good times in Canada. The rest will come once I get back to Japan where my usb cable is waiting…
Wish us luck… its going to be a crazy flight.
Noa and Goggy hanging out. (Goggy is Noa’s great great grandmother (曾曾お婆さん) … that’s 5 generations folks.
Next we have Noa’s favourite person, Tracy. (Note the connection between his favourite person and who is feeding him?)
Introducing Baby Awesome (Thank Scotty and Stacey for the clothes, Brian for the name!)
Noa just hanging out reading his books…
and finally Noa and partaking in his favourite activity…. stripping.
See you when we are settled back in Japan!
David & Kiko
Summer in Canada 2005
We are back in Chunan!!! … and have begun the process to get rid of as much jetlag as possible. We both had a fantastic time back in Canada.
I had a scholarship interview that went fantastic (I’m gonna need something to do when my contract here ends in 2006/08 or 2007/08.) and we got to see a number of really good friends. That being said, we were completely strapped for time, and for everyone that we were able to see, there were 2 more people we would have loved to but couldn’t. Between my scholarship interview in the first week, my Dad’s operation in the second (he’s ok!) and the fact that we only had 10 days in Canada, we did our best.
For those that we did see: Thank you!!! We had an amazing time. For those we didn’t: Next year, February.
We miss you all, and unfortunately because of the baby, this will be our only trip to Canada back this year. Next year we will be back with Baby Awesome (or whatever he/she is named at the time.)
In the meantime, here are a few sample pictures of what we did while back in Canada, and the full gallery can be seen by clicking here.