Last Month in Japan

As many of you know by now, we are preparing to leave Japan.

Both our children were born here and it has been more than 5 years since we have lived anywhere else.

Lots of people to say goodbye to, and things to finish before we go!

WIll update more soon…


She looks like one of those North Korea karaoke singers…


The halfies…

And goodbye to some good friends…

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And some ice cream for good measure…


Christmas 2009

Yes, I understand this is late. But better late then never, right? … RIGHT?

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We have Kiko made Christmas dinner, Kiko made Gingerbread House (amazing!), Kiko made stockings, some girl-on-girl action, some creepy Santa’s (NOT creepy. That is Barry he is great!) and children with lots of presents. What more can you ask for!?!

.. Cute pictures of Hana? Done.

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This may or may not be in response to those who said this blog was Noa-heavy…