Crazy Mexicans…

Back from a trip to Dalian China. Noa guilt-tripped me all the way.

I told him I would buy him Chinese candy, and when I bought him something from the 7-11 near my house, he called me on it.

Apparently he felt bad, because he made it a point to tell me they were really delicious after trying to feed them to Hana.


We are getting some pictures ready from our trip up North.

In the meantime, take a look at these.


If my children are bad I will send them to Mexico.


Yes, for those of you who are very observant, Hana is feeding the babys nose.

Pictures for Tracy… and Pictures! (and Hana falls)

Just got home from a trip up north for some snow-action and onsen-excitement.

A great break for everyone, and Noa got to hang out with his French friend Assayez? I don’t know how to spell it.

Noa spent the majority of the time spelling things and making up words. He is in to that.


Hana also has a magic propensity to fall in the most spectacular manner. It doesn’t matter how she should go down, her body will twist and contort to ensure maximum damage.

This weekend she fell off the bed nose first and slipped by the pool and banged her forehead.

Nice. That’ll teach ‘er.

and now for some excitement

Noa at his “graduation ceremony”


Noa with more than just a little bit of teh ghey


some nice Hana


Why does Noa hate us? And our house? And cleansliness?


Thanks for the Halloween Costume Trace!



No comments about the clothes.. we were a physician family.



Goggy passed away today at the age of 97.

Will write more later, and want to thank everyone for the kind words.

A big thank you to Scott for the following

so sorry to hear. i know she was such a wonderful person… always talked to me when i came by, asking about my life and was genuinely interested. she lived a really long and full life and always seemed happy and positive.

I wish I could have been there with her.

shane & goggy @ xmas
dad, me & goggy

Goggy played a huge role in Shane and I growing up.


Noa is going to go to the money store and buy me more money…

Or so he says.

Noa and Hana get along very well.

Hana likes to do what Noa is doing. Which is usually something Power Ranger-related, or throwing herself off stairs in attempt to copy his jumping.

We went to the dinosaur museum and Noa had a great time.

I like to twitter. debicha1979


And for those who are counting, we will be bak in Canada at the end of April!




Noa and Hana Update Gallery

People are asking for updates. Hana can now give kisses. Noa is getting stubborn but is really sensitive. He wants you to ask him what is wrong…

(In case you haven’t noticed, these updates are more for me than you!) I will get back to writing for you shortly.

Kiko has also been going crazy making Hana clothes… Pictures to come!

In the meantime, enjoy the pictures…

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January is Cold

Hi Everyone

I think I have finally got a hold on my video and pictures which should make for some regular uploading.

Hana is walking and can say Dada and Mama. She makes it pretty clear what she wants to do.

Noa is speaking English all the time but says some ridiculous things. Nothing comes to mind right now, but I will be sure to let you know. He still loves Power Rangers and riding his bike.

For all those picture requests here are some recent photos:




Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and … Happy Holidays?

As per usual, you should all be receiving your Christmas Cards and/or New Years Cards (Japan) any day now…

I believe one of our traditions is to post the cards online a few days before you receive them, thereby ruining the surprise.

Anyways, make sure to put it on your fridge, and LET US KNOW IS YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ONE!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Love always, 

Dave, Kiko, Noa and Hana

2008 Christmas Card

2008 New Years Card