
Once again the people have spoke… and I have listened.
"We want to know more about Noa."
"What is he doing?" "What is he like?"

"We want more substance in your posts."

Ok. I get it. Here is a general idea of how Noa works.

Noa Kenichiro Bennett emoticon

  1. Lots of arm flapping. He really likes the flapping.
  2. He is attentive and loves to be held.
  3. He likes musical instruments.
  4. He flaps his legs when he is bored of flapping his arms.
  5. He has learned to smile!

First things first, he is a very advanced baby. I am not joking. He has been able to hold his own neck up since he was born. He is very good at sucking things. He can sort of pick things up. He has developed a sense of security when you hold his hand. He can smile when he is happy. 

Now I don’t know much about babies, but from what I have been told, these are all characteristics of a 2 to 3 month old baby. Way to go Noa!

Now, a little bit more about our time in Tanegashima.

 Here is Noa has been able to meet his 3 cousins. Hina, Kana, and Shuichiro. They love him a lot and even 10 month old Shuichiro is very gentle around Noa.

The following are some pictures of Noa’s first plane ride, his time in Tanegashima, and spending time with his cousins.

noaintanegashima-1.jpg  noaintanegashima-2.jpg noaintanegashima-3.jpg noaintanegashima-4.jpg noaintanegashima-5.jpg noaintanegashima-6.jpg noaintanegashima-7.jpg noaintanegashima-8.jpg

This last picture is of Noa and Shu chillin’. (after Kiko made them lie down together.) 


Omiyamairi – お宮参り

I was scouring the internet trying to find a few sites that I could link to for information, but no such luck. It looks like I’m in charge of explaining what we put Noa through.

Here goes.

In Japan, 32/33 days after the baby is born (depending on whether it is a boy or a girl), the child is taken to a shrine where an “ujigami” lives. An ujigami is a god that lives in a shrine and has the role of protecticing babies. (I made that last part up… but I think it’s true.)

So anyways, you dress the baby up in a a little white dress, slap on a baby kimono, and you are set. The child is taken to the shrine where a Priest waves a magic tree branch over him and he is blessed. It’s kind of like a christening without the water and with lots of magic. The shinto priest recites a prayer for the health of your baby and then -poof- it’s done.

Noa slept through most of it. The ceremony was only about 10 minutes long, and followed by family pictures. They were professionaly shot so when they are done I will send them up.

In the meantime, have a look at Noa in his hot baby dress.


Surfing in Tanegashima

We just got back from Tanegashima where we celebrated Kiko’s Dads kanreki (60th birthday) and relaxed for a week.

We will be posting a ton of pictures of Tanegashima, our nieces and new baby nephew and Kiko’s family. Should be good! In the meantime, look at me in all my surfing glory. (I am also bruised to shit and my breasts hurt.emoticon) But it was worth it…. (ie: I stood up for maybe 15 seconds.)




That’s me with Hina and Kana, our nieces. They are so cute! emoticon


This is a little bit late, but Kiko and I have a new nephew!

His name is Shuichiro, and he is Hina and Kana‘s younger brother. His Dad is Kiko’s older brother Takao.

His name is a little difficult to explain, but all you need to know is that it is a combination of sounds and characters from the fathers name, Ichiro and Matsui.

I think he’s going to be a baseball player….

Shuichiro   Takaos family

Lots of Good News!

It looks like we will be getting back (semi)hi-speed Internet in April. It is not nearly as fast as what we were using, but is much faster than the ISDN line we have now. The website will be updated, and our VOIP (416) phone will be back in operation… so now you have no excuse for not calling

Kiko’s older brother, Takao, father of the super cute Hina and Kana:

Our nieces, Hina and Kana

(Takao) just had another baby. His name is Shuichiro! We haven’t got pictures yet,but when we do we will post them!

In other, less exciting news, Graduation photos came in from one of my other schools, along with another small write up in the Shikoku Newspaper. Have a look.

East Elementary SchoolEast Elementary School

Article about me in the newspaper