Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and … Happy Holidays?

As per usual, you should all be receiving your Christmas Cards and/or New Years Cards (Japan) any day now…

I believe one of our traditions is to post the cards online a few days before you receive them, thereby ruining the surprise.

Anyways, make sure to put it on your fridge, and LET US KNOW IS YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ONE!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Love always, 

Dave, Kiko, Noa and Hana

2008 Christmas Card

2008 New Years Card ->

It’s been a long time since we only had 1 post in a month. Between a trip to Austin, Texas for me, and a trip back to Tanegashima for the rest of the family things have been crazy.

In bigger news, because of all the problems with, I have decided to move the site to which I know shouldn’t attract too many crazies. -> (, get it??)

The move is semi permanent, but will work on moving back to davidandkiko when possible.

Thanks so much and in return here are lots of pictures.

BTW: Noa is really really iinto Darth Vader. Because he’s black.





Injuries and Halloween

It was bound to happen! Despite being pretty perfect, Hana was injured today. We were at a friends house and she pulled a cup of tea over and it fell on her hands.

Or we were teaching her only to speak when spoken to… or something.

Either way, she is all bandaged up, we are all a little traumatized.

Could have been a lot worse and she doesn’t seem to have been injured (the bandages are a precaution.)

Now still likes to test the theory that she is not in any pain by trying to ride her around like a horse when she is crawling.


This is the costume Noa wears when he is tormenting Hana.


Noa and Hana gear

Seems like the website is up and running. Still a lot of things to work out, clean up a bit, make it look better and add some features, but good to have some pictures back!

We just bought some really cute shirts which have Noa’s and Hana’s names on them.

「英」はな Hana – Some sort of flower, also used in the character for English

「希空」のあ – Wish, Sky

IMG_0003 IMG_0008 IMG_0006 

and just for good measure…


Family of 4

In answer to your question, yes,  I have been too busy to call you, e-mail you, update this site, think or breathe!

Long story short, things are crazy! Not to mention we have 2 babies, but Kiko’s Mom headed back to Tanegashima, so we are on our own for about 10 days.

We will both be heading over in a few weeks, but until then I am juggling Noa, work and Hana.

I also have some other exciting news… but let’s wait until the end of the week for that!

In the meantime, here is a nice picture of how we are…
