Noa’s First 1st Birthday

Clever and smart I am… Noa has big shoes to fill.

Congratulations NOA!!! And a big thank you to all of you have that e-mailed, called, left messages, or wrote on here. Thank you! 😮

That’s right… he can walk, he can dance, he can touch his eye(s), he can say “dada”, he has 4 teeth (dagger, dagger #2, misty, tooth) and now he is 1 year old!!!

I took off an hour of work and came home quickly where Kiko, Noa, and I had some cake and opened a few presents. He didn’t understand the concept of cake (I think he thought it was bread!) but after awhile he got it, and since it was his first time eating something sweet… ever!, he was pretty excited.

We should have more videos and stuff coming over the next few days. In the meantime…


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Noa’s Friends #2

Let’s suppose that work is super interesting, but very very busy. Now let’s suppose that I want to update the website with more exicitng Noa videos, but I just don’t have time…

Now what would I put in it’s place??? That’s right! Here is a collection of pictures featuring Noa and his friends and family. These were taken during our time back in Canada, and since we arrived in Tokyo! Enjoy…

ps. Many of you have been asking for pictures of our new house… more to come!

(and finally, as always, a big THANK YOU to all of you for your very kind wishes on my birthday.)

Love, David & Kiko & Noa






Chris & Andrew

Kiko and I (and possibly Noa) want to send a big congratulations to Chris & Andrew who will be getting married in Toronto today. I can’t tell you how much we wish we could have been there. (That goes for you too, M&L, T&D, S&D :()
Chris has been one of my closest friends since as long as I can remember. Although we only met Andrew a few times, he is a fantasticly nice guy and it is quite obvious how happy they make each other. Both Kiko and I look forward to spending more time with you both when we are back in Toronto.

Congratulations Chris & Andrew. We miss you tons and will be thinking about you today. We know how stressful a wedding can be, so take your time, enjoy it, and know that you have friends all around the world that love you.


Canada Round-up

See below for what happens when you don’t visit


Why do you make the baby Noa cry? Does Baby Awesome (click that for some awesomeness) deserve this?

(No… I’m just joking. he’s crying because I beat him for being too cute.)

Although we still haven’t found a place to settle in yet here in Tokyo, that doesn’t mean we have a whole lot of excitement to share from our trip back to Canada. (ie. I still haven’t been able to get our photos off the camera yet. So these are a bit older…)

How about some Niagara Falls action? (one picture by me, one by Kiko)


How about some good friends?


How about family?


What about shocking good looks?

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See? I am clever and funny. 😉

Ok heres what you really wanted…


The boys in Brampton

weird… I was waiting for this post to go up a few days ago and decided to check it out. Apparently I didn’t actually post it.


It turns out I am not perfect. Just pretty damn close. (my stomach hurts and its making me delirious.)

I have some exciting news about me and my good friend Hideki, but watch for that in an upcoming post.

For today, I would like to share some photos of my good friends that made the long trip all the way out to the B-dot to visit. Dan, Graham, Marc, Matt, it was great to see you guys. Noa had a blast and it was great just to hang out. Like I said, Dan & Graham (not to mention Franky!) it’s about time you make the trip to Japan.





Thanks again boys.

Love David, Kiko & Noa.


Hard Gay

Has Noa got the ghey?

That one is still up in the air, but I don’t really know how to describe Hard Gay, aka Crazy-Japanese-Comedian?-Man, other than by saying he is very very not gay. If there was a gayness competition, Noa would win hands down.

Anyways, to summarize, Hard Gay is a Japanese comedian that goes around thrusting his hips at small children. Hmm… weird. At any rate, his trademark move is to say something and then scream “Fo—!” really loud. (Teaching was great when we got to the number 4 and I had all the children of Japan screaming at me while raising there hands in a Hard Gay pose.)

… I just realized I am writing about Hard Gay so I will cut this short here. Anyways, the day before we left Hard Gay was brought to Takamatsu for the Takamatsu Festival. We stood in a huge crowd just so we could get a picture of Hard Gay screaming “Takamatsu Fo—!” which made everyone in Takamatsu feel special.

I don’t think Noa was that impressed that we made him sit through that.


But at least we were able to get this…

Hard Gay in Takamatsu VIDEO

(people complained about the irrelevance of this post. So here is a picture of Noa destroying some fruit with dagger #1 and #2… and obviously feeling bad for the destruction that he brought upon the poor orange.)


I’m sorry Mr. Orange.

It’s too late Noa…. too late.

Friends from Japan

Sorry about the delay in posting…
oh wait. I update the site like 10 times a week. are you guys crazy!?!?! just can’t get enough of us? that’s what I thought.

In case you didn’t remember, I forgot my flash card reader, so I have no way of getting my pictures off my camera until I am somewhere with a reader. Hence the delay between posting and between events and pictures (look for a great visit from some good friends in a few days!)

In the meantime, Kiko, Noa and I were really lucky to have some good friends from Kagawa come to Canada to visit. Ishikawa-sensei (my supervisor) and his family came to Toronto to visit. We got some Toronto, Niagara and Ottawa action in. The tri-fecta of tourism. A big thanks to Tray, Thomas, Chris, Franz and Shane for all your help.
Speaking of Shane… here is a picture.


(Just so you know, and I’m not making this up, the previous picture in the series shows Noa poking his own eye out.)

Here are some pictures from Ishikawa-sensei’s family trip to Canada.


We took them to Asian Legend (the best Chinese food in Toronto!) with Thomas, Tracy, and Shane, as well as a trip to Brampton to see Mom and the dogs.

As I mentioned, we got most of the major tourism points down. Some Ottawa,

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some Toronto, some Niagara, and a whole bunch of excitement at Tracy’s in Hamilton.

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Thank you everyone for your help, and a big thanks to the Ishikawa family for coming all the way to Canada!


Our time in Canada … so far

After our relaxing vacation in Korea, we have spent the last few days readjusting to Canadian life.

We have been fortunate enough to see a few good friends (with many left still to see!) and spend a lot of time with our family. Noa is having a great time. We are taking him to a swim class and local activities run by the city. He is also enjoying the time he gets to spend with his Aunt, his Uncles and his gradma.

Kiko and I are doing well. Busy with Noa, and I am neglecting our work. We are still looking for a place to live in Tokyo, so keep an eye out for that!

In the meantime, here are a few photos from the trip so far…


What’s that?? What? Excuse me? Do I recall someone doubting Noa’s standing and crawling abilities?? Is that Noa standing??? I think so… bruck! (bruck?)

After Noa exercising his independence through standing, we decide to knock him back down with some super frightening bubbles from Kiko’s vicious bubble gun.


We then follow that up with forcing him through a long red tunnel (which he actually enjoyed more than we hoped expected.)


We are good parents are our baby is cute.

That is all. (don’t hate us because we are beautiful.)