The boys in Brampton

weird… I was waiting for this post to go up a few days ago and decided to check it out. Apparently I didn’t actually post it.


It turns out I am not perfect. Just pretty damn close. (my stomach hurts and its making me delirious.)

I have some exciting news about me and my good friend Hideki, but watch for that in an upcoming post.

For today, I would like to share some photos of my good friends that made the long trip all the way out to the B-dot to visit. Dan, Graham, Marc, Matt, it was great to see you guys. Noa had a blast and it was great just to hang out. Like I said, Dan & Graham (not to mention Franky!) it’s about time you make the trip to Japan.





Thanks again boys.

Love David, Kiko & Noa.



A few days ago we were very lucky to have a little bit of Matt and Graham action.

Kiko, Noa and I went to lunch with two of my very good friends. It had been a long time since we have all hung out, so it was absolutely amazing to see them both and for them to finally get a chance to meet Noa.

Matt has a website and Graham is thinking about putting one up, so if it is ok, how bout we adds some links? let me know!

In the meantime here are a few photos from that day. There were more but I don’t think that Graham nor Matt would appreciate them being put up as they didn’t come out so great…. (not blaming anyone, ahem kiko ahem) … I’m just joking. We all know that any bad photos on our site belong to Lee. (who is in Japan, but thats besides the point) 😉

Matt, Graham, thanks for lunch! As always great to see you and Noa loved meeting you both. He told me with his words.

(nice hair by the way noa. i blame that on kiko’s people.)