Lindsay and Takeshi’s Wedding… in Kagawa!

We are back from an exhausting (but fun!) trip to Kagawa where we got to see a number of good friends and colleagues. We miss Kagawa and everyone there very much! Thank you so much for making the time to hang out with us everyone!! (except those of you who dragged me into the freezing cold ocean in the middle of winter. you know who you are. actually… that was a lot of fun but sucky in the I thought I was going to die kind of way.)

A big part of our trip to Kagawa was to go see our friends Lindsay and Takeshi get married! Congratulations!!!

It was there that Noa was reunited with Jim, and performed live on stage with Jim’s band LAME (which despite all that I was expecting… which was nothing… turned out to be pretty good!) [I will get a hair cut, calm down.]

and here’s something to think about…

Noa’s Diary #6: My invention



Today I will tell you about my invention. Mommy gave me 2 empty tissue boxes, so I made tissue box shoes. I am so funny (ed: and clever). They broke too soon and I was only able to play with them for one day.

Noa’s Diary #4: I’m Stuck!




I like climbing in my buckets and baskets. But today I climbed in my bucket and couldn’t get out. I cried a lot. Mommy said it was my fault, but I cried a lot so she knew how sad I was!!

Noa’s Diary #3: My favourite thing





Today I will tell you my favourite thing. My favourite thing is….. to put stuff under my chin! I can hold many things with my chin. It is really fun. I put socks under my chin all the time, but I can also put other things like books, towels, and toys!! You should try.



Putting anpanman under my chin isn’t so fun.

Noa’s Diary #2: I have a cold!


東京に帰る日からかぜをひいてしまい、もう3回も病院に行ってきまちた。おねつが高いとママがおでこに「熱冷まシート」 を貼ってくれまちゅ。



Since I came back to Tokyo, I’ve had a cold. I went to the doctor 3 times!!

Mommy puts a cold sheet on my face. She things they are great, but I don’t know. What do yo think?