Our time in Canada … so far

After our relaxing vacation in Korea, we have spent the last few days readjusting to Canadian life.

We have been fortunate enough to see a few good friends (with many left still to see!) and spend a lot of time with our family. Noa is having a great time. We are taking him to a swim class and local activities run by the city. He is also enjoying the time he gets to spend with his Aunt, his Uncles and his gradma.

Kiko and I are doing well. Busy with Noa, and I am neglecting our work. We are still looking for a place to live in Tokyo, so keep an eye out for that!

In the meantime, here are a few photos from the trip so far…


What’s that?? What? Excuse me? Do I recall someone doubting Noa’s standing and crawling abilities?? Is that Noa standing??? I think so… bruck! (bruck?)

After Noa exercising his independence through standing, we decide to knock him back down with some super frightening bubbles from Kiko’s vicious bubble gun.


We then follow that up with forcing him through a long red tunnel (which he actually enjoyed more than we hoped expected.)


We are good parents are our baby is cute.

That is all. (don’t hate us because we are beautiful.)

Twin Daggers

This was supposed to be a post about our time in Canada (see tomorrow’s post!), but instead we have some breaking news…

Dagger Has a Friend. Twin Dagger (I wish I had taken pictures, but we took him to a little play place and he proceeded to destory the other children with his regular assortment of punches and hair pulling. He then realized that dagger could be used as a weapon and proceeded to bite some kids face. nice.)

Now that Noa has a range of weapons and special attacks, I realized it was time to impart some fatherly wisdom.

Noa, with great power, comes great responsiblity. Use dagger wisely.

(… you don’t like the advice? My original course of action involved:

  1. Biting Noa after he bit me. (I made him cry.)
  2. Enticing Noa to bite my nose and then scream at him for biting me.

That is all.

Noa in Korea! (대한민국)

On our way back to Canada, we had a mini-vacation-type 3 day 2 night stopover in Korea. Although we ended up spending the majority of our time relaxing in our very nice hotel, we did eat some amazing korean bbq and Noa had his first swimming pool experience.

Here are a few pictures from our Korea adventure.

(Noa thought he would ride with us until I shoved him in the suitcase.)

‘Help me’ he said. I said “no.” ‘Get back in your suitcase.”

No Korean adventure is complete without public protests,


Korean flags flown everywhere accordians,


and Shane Jeans.


As I mentioned above, Noa had his first pool experience. He absolutely loved it. He loved it (and I’m being serious) right up until I dunked him underneath the water to see what would happen. I had read somewhere that babies automagically hold their breath when they are pushed underwater.

They don’t. Who knew? (actually, Kiko knew. She tried to prevent me.)

IMG_6780 IMG_6708

jesus christ my legs are hairy. and you love it.

Finally, when Noa climbed out of the suitcase we let the gigantic korean baby eating bear after him.


Noa’s Training

Along with his rigourous ninja training, we also train Noa to do more mundane things.

…like using dagger to destroy a plum (his first!)…


An even better showcase of Noa’s brillance is him responding to his own name. Here is some video of Kiko calling out his name (“Bennett Noa-kun!” [Japanese name order and -kun, a Japanese honorific] and Noa respoding by raising his hand and saying “Hai!” [yes!]. My baby can kick your baby’s ass. Even if your baby doesn’t even exist yet.


希空くんのビデオ (お返事)

Lee’s Family Photos … our family

We have arrived safely in Canada!! Suffice it to say, we are extremely jet lagged.

unfortunately, after arriving in Canada I realized I forgot to bring my usb cable to get our pictures off of the Camera(s). I will figure something out… don’t fret. In the meantime, now that we have Lee’s permission, we would like to share some of our favourite pictures from Lee Gribbon’s amazing family photo shoot.

The full shoot is available here.

David and Kiko 15062006_2011David and Noa Closeup 15072006_2028 Kiko Noa Kiss 15072006_2037Family Portrait 15072006_1961

That is all. (He’s amazing! THANK YOU SO MUCH LEE!!!) 😮

Getting ready to leave Manno (Chunan / Kagawa)

That’s right… our two year stint in Chunan (now: Manno) in Kagawa Prefecture is coming to a close. We leave on Tuesday morning but still have a ton of packing to do. Here are a few photos that we have taken over the past few days that we thought you might enjoy.

This first photo is actually a scan of an article that appeared in the Shikoku Shinbun (the big paper in our area.) The article is a thank you to me and saying goodbye to our family.

My liberal translation:

Thank you, David! David Bennett (26) who has been working and living in Chunan Town (now Manno Town) since August of 2004 as an international relations co-ordinator will be leaving us. As a student, David spent two years on exchange in Yokohama and Tokyo. In his current role David was very active around the community through numerous events, school visits, and English classes. He also brought internationalization to the local community groups through his visits. David came to Chunan with his wife, Kiko. Their first son, Noa, was born last year in November. (That pretty much covers it. I rushed the translation, so if you think you could do a better job… do it.) 😮

At least 3 times a month Jim and I ate at the local kaiten (conveyor belt) sushi place. It was fantastic. (Especially the oinky bits [read: meat susghi] and the salmon!) Definitely will miss the sushi… and possibly Jim.

And finally, Noa took me for a drive the other day.

That is all.


I actually have a ton of things to write about. Between preparing for our move to Tokyo, our trips to Canada and Korea, and all of the goodbye stuff that is going on here, we have been quite busy.We hope to post about it in the next few days.

In the meantime, we had to share with you this amazing picture of Noa that our good friend Lee Gribbon took. We will be posting the entire shoot over the next few days (once he says cool, cool?)

Noa Closeup 15072006_1994

Back in the day…

Instead of posting pictures of Noa, I give you this:

The Gang at Scott's Cottage

And now for a Noa video…

Remember our discussion of flowing noodles? While Scott & Stacey were visiting with us in Japan, we were invited for some more flying noodles.


Noa got in on the action. He was amazing at catching the noodles.

希空くんのビデオ (流しそうめん!)

More Breaking News!!!

breaking news!!!

Noa has a tooth!

That’s right… for those of you that doubted Noa’s brillane. Noa has his first tooth. Although Noa is big for his age, and can do things quite advanced (like crawl and beat-down other babies), we were getting a little worried about the lack of teeth.

We now have a new weapon in are arsenal. Fear the mighty Noa and his tooth (we have named the tooth dagger.)

Congratulations Noa and dagger! 希空くん、おめでとう!

ps. as a reward we sent Noa to daycare for the first time today as we needed a chance to pack. We thought he would freak out and/or destroy the other children with dagger, but it turns out he had a super time. He didn’t even notice we were gone 🙁


See how happy he looks? 😉  (and by happy I mean cold and alone.)