This was meant to be another post, but someone posted asking me for my favourite picture of Noa.
Well… here it is.
all things d@vidb
This was meant to be another post, but someone posted asking me for my favourite picture of Noa.
Well… here it is.
How exactly was our New Years in Tanegashima?
We figured your might be interested so I put up a few pictures to show you how it all went. Being from a more rural island, Kiko’s family was very into tradition, so we did a number of things from making rice cakes, to planting pine trees at the entrance of doorways, to visiting a shrine (or temple… or something). Noa has grown quite a bit in the 3 weeks since we have been here and has put on a lot of weight. He is getting stronger and is becoming quite expressive.
We hope you enjoy the pictures!
We also thought you might like my brilliant photography. If you have any complaints, its the camera’s fault. seriously. im perfect.
Noa : Up close and personal
I am going to try not to cry as this is the second time I am writing this (stupid browser crash!), but suffice it to say we want to wish everyone a very very happy new year. Things have been quite hectic here as we are getting ready to leave Kiko’s island (we are going back to Kagawa today!!) and Noa has been keeping us quite busy. We are both looking forward to going back to Kagawa, but Kiko is going to miss her family and the help that have been giving to Noa. We aren’t very excited about the 20cm of snow and 6 degree house waiting for us there either…
Other than that, things are quite good! Noa is doing well (I’ll send pictures!) and we have been very busy preparing the new website. I know I have been saying this for the better part of 6 months, but the website is almost done! People have seen it and I think it looks quite good. In the next few days it should be up and should make it easier to update, a lot more interactive and fun for you guys, and be chalk full of photo galleries chronicling our lives over the past 2 years (with regular photo gallery updates!). So look forward to that!
A little bit of upsetting news however… we spent about 1 billion hours making Christmas cards and 年賀状 (nengajou) for pretty much everyone we know. Apparently only about 20% have arrived…! I am hoping that this is on account of the holiday season and the fact that we sent them fro Kiko’s island in the middle of the Pacific (I made that up.. I don’t know what Ocean we are in!) but expect them soon. In the meantime here is the christmas card you will be receiving, with a special note written in chicken scratches by me on the back. Enjoy!
That’s about it for now. Expect a whole lot of excitement/pictures/changes in the next few weeks here at We also look forward to an exciting 2006 with lots of changes for the website, us (job/where we live), and of course for Noa, who is on track to be a strapping handsome young boy (which is no surprise considering who his pappy is.)
We really appreciate everyone who keeps visiting the site and look forward to chatting with you through the comments and the chat box, etc.
In the meantime, go get skype. get it now. best thing ever. ask mike.
David & Kiko & Noa
Once again the people have spoke… and I have listened.
"We want to know more about Noa."
"What is he doing?" "What is he like?"
"We want more substance in your posts."
Ok. I get it. Here is a general idea of how Noa works.
Noa Kenichiro Bennett
First things first, he is a very advanced baby. I am not joking. He has been able to hold his own neck up since he was born. He is very good at sucking things. He can sort of pick things up. He has developed a sense of security when you hold his hand. He can smile when he is happy.
Now I don’t know much about babies, but from what I have been told, these are all characteristics of a 2 to 3 month old baby. Way to go Noa!
Now, a little bit more about our time in Tanegashima.
Here is Noa has been able to meet his 3 cousins. Hina, Kana, and Shuichiro. They love him a lot and even 10 month old Shuichiro is very gentle around Noa.
The following are some pictures of Noa’s first plane ride, his time in Tanegashima, and spending time with his cousins.
This last picture is of Noa and Shu chillin’. (after Kiko made them lie down together.)
I was scouring the internet trying to find a few sites that I could link to for information, but no such luck. It looks like I’m in charge of explaining what we put Noa through.
Here goes.
In Japan, 32/33 days after the baby is born (depending on whether it is a boy or a girl), the child is taken to a shrine where an “ujigami” lives. An ujigami is a god that lives in a shrine and has the role of protecticing babies. (I made that last part up… but I think it’s true.)
So anyways, you dress the baby up in a a little white dress, slap on a baby kimono, and you are set. The child is taken to the shrine where a Priest waves a magic tree branch over him and he is blessed. It’s kind of like a christening without the water and with lots of magic. The shinto priest recites a prayer for the health of your baby and then -poof- it’s done.
Noa slept through most of it. The ceremony was only about 10 minutes long, and followed by family pictures. They were professionaly shot so when they are done I will send them up.
In the meantime, have a look at Noa in his hot baby dress.
Merry Christmas!
I have finally figured out how to upload some pictures from here on Tanegashima, so expect some new pictures of us and what we have been up to over here.
Our Christmas is pretty much done over here. We are 14 hours ahead of Toronto remember? Not only that, but we had our Christmas on the Christmas eve as opposed to Christmas day, which made it that much more futurey.
Here are some pictures of our first Christmas on Tanegashima, and Noa’s first Christmas ever.
We have tried to send out Christmas cards this year, but with the baby and the traveling and the baby, it didn’t work as well as we would have liked. Everyone who is visiting the site, family, friends, and the occasional people we don’t know, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
We miss you tons and will do our best to keep in better touch in the New Year (except for the people who we don’t know. um…. hi?) Please keep visiting the site to find out what we are up to and to keep in touch. Expect some changes in the New Year.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. The baby Noa will keep crying until he gets more presents. The baby Noa also wants me to let you know he accepts paypal.
love, David, Kiko, and Noa.
Everyone asks where Noa sleeps.
He sleeps on the floor. On a futon. Like a good Japanese boy.
But it is a cute, Miffy futon. Look? See for yourselves where we sleep.
Look at how cute his bed is!! That and it also costs almost 4 times as much as our bed cost. Crazy Japanese baby futons.
And this is how he sleeps:
He is very talented. And heres some cute pictures for good measure.
Look how sweet they look. I said that because I am sweet.
Apparently no one cared about my Ipod. (Noa’s ipod?) In fact, everyone cared not enough so that they implied this site should be dedicated to Noa. This site is dedicated to me. and then kiko. and then Noa. In that order. possibly.
This post however… this post is dedicated to Noa. Enjoy.
Noa’s favourite pose. His only pose?
He likes his milk.
He is very attractive.
See? (My Mom made that blanket!)
Look at his kick ass shoes. That are bigger than his head! (THANK YOU TORU!!!!)
He also likes doing this.
He can touch his nose.
and he can have bad camera days.
That’s all I got.
It’s official. Noa is open for business.
I was going to rant about how ridiculously busy I am. Busy enough not to be able to finish davidandkiko 4.0, to not start a huge translation due this week, to not write christmas cards (but I did make a nice looking christmas card!), so instead I will give you a short update.
We are off to Tanegashima this Saturday! For the first year in a very long time we will not be spending christmas in Canada, but rather Christmas and New Years on Kiko’s island. I will be updating the website, but I don’t think I will be able to do any big updates.
Recently Noa has had some visitors. Our good friends Ayano-san and Jim have been here to visit (and help bathe!) Noa. Here are some pictures… he’s getting bigger.
and Jim… (who helped us film Noa’s bath. Which was exciting….)
(noa likes jim.)
So everyone says you get really busy when you have a baby… they weren’t joking. Funny thing is, its not just the baby. It seems like a billion things are all happening at once.
This is a little bit more interesting. I have been selected as one of 6 people to be in the JET program introduction video. This video will be sent around Japan and around the world to show people what the JET program is about and to encourage new recruits.
Basically this means that I have a video crew of about 7 people following me wherever I go. Here in Chunan 7 people is more than I get for most of my classes/activities/events. It makes for some exciting times…. When the video is done I will try and get some clips up.
It also doesn’t help that my house is like 5 degrees. My computer room doesn’t have a heater so that plays a big role in me not updating the website. I have a ton of pictures/videos (mostly Noa related) to put up… hopefuly I will get it up soon. davidandkiko 4.0 is also being redone after a few problems appeared in the picture album… but it should be good.
Ok, here are some new pictures. I will get off my ass and get some more albums/photos and some videos up soon! We will be ordering our new camera soon, so expect even better pictures in the next few weeks.
Here are some pictures of Noa and I, and Noa and Kiko’s Mom.