Noa Extravaganza

Apparently no one cared about my Ipod. (Noa’s ipod?) In fact, everyone cared not enough so that they implied this site should be dedicated to Noa. This site is dedicated to me. and then kiko. and then Noa. In that order. possibly.

This post however… this post is dedicated to Noa. Enjoy.


Noa’s favourite pose. His only pose?


He likes his milk.


He is very attractive.


See? (My Mom made that blanket!)



Look at his kick ass shoes. That are bigger than his head! (THANK YOU TORU!!!!) emoticon




He also likes doing this.


He can touch his nose.


and he can have bad camera days.

That’s all I got. 

Noa is open for business.

It’s official. Noa is open for business.

I was going to rant about how ridiculously busy I am. Busy enough not to be able to finish davidandkiko 4.0, to not start a huge translation due this week, to not write christmas cards (but I did make a nice looking christmas card!), so instead I will give you a short update.

We are off to Tanegashima this Saturday! For the first year in a very long time we will not be spending christmas in Canada, but rather Christmas and New Years on Kiko’s island. I will be updating the website, but I don’t think I will be able to do any big updates.

Recently Noa has had some visitors. Our good friends Ayano-san and Jim have been here to visit (and help bathe!) Noa. Here are some pictures… he’s getting bigger. 

ayanosanandnoa-1.jpg  ayanosanandnoa-2.jpg

and Jim… (who helped us film Noa’s bath. Which was exciting….)

noaandjim-1.jpg (noa likes jim.)

The business that is my life

So everyone says you get really busy when you have a baby… they weren’t joking. Funny thing is, its not just the baby. It seems like a billion things are all happening at once.

  1. A baby. Lots of crying. Lots of staying awake. Lots of throwing up. (its gross.)
  2. JET Program PR Video

This is a little bit more interesting. I have been selected as one of 6 people to be in the JET program introduction video. This video will be sent around Japan and around the world to show people what the JET program is about and to encourage new recruits.

Basically this means that I have a video crew of about 7 people following me wherever I go. Here in Chunan 7 people is more than I get for most of my classes/activities/events. It makes for some exciting times…. When the video is done I will try and get some clips up.

It also doesn’t help that my house is like 5 degrees. emoticonMy computer room doesn’t have a heater so that plays a big role in me not updating the website. I have a ton of pictures/videos (mostly Noa related) to put up… hopefuly I will get it up soon. davidandkiko 4.0 is also being redone after a few problems appeared in the picture album… but it should be good.

Ok, here are some new pictures. I will get off my ass and get some more albums/photos and some videos up soon! We will be ordering our new camera soon, so expect even better pictures in the next few weeks.

Here are some pictures of Noa and I, and Noa and Kiko’s Mom.

noa3weeks-1.jpg  noa3weeks-2.jpg emoticon

david & kiko & noa update


Now that I have your attention… emoticon I thought I would give you a little update on how everyone is doing.
First off, as you can imagine, things have been really busy. Kiko came home from the hospital last Wednesday. After a few more days under supervision, Noa was able to come home on Monday. I was at a conference in Tokyo for Mon, Tue, and Wed, but when I got back everyone was settled in at home.
Things have been crazy since then.

Noa’s Schedule
  1. Cry.
  2. Poo.
  3. Cry.
  4. Throw up.
  5. Throw up.
  6. Throw up.
  7. Poo.
  8. Cry.
  9. Sleep. Sort of.
  10. Also important to note that Noa works on Canada time. emoticon

He has also developed a retarded sort of cry that involves him sucking in all the air that he can, and keeping it safe in his stomach until he is ready to use it in his throwing up activities.

As for us, we are both not getting much sleep (Kiko more so than me.)
Worse than that, my monitor broke. Ug. I am currently writing this on the MAC which is the reason for the lack of pictures. I am going to try and pick one up today.
I also had a little video of Noa’s first 12 hours that was going to go up, but unfortunately that will have to wait until I can see what the computer is doing… I know it’s doing something…

I think that’s it for now. Expect a proper album, movies, & more pictures soon. As well as stuff about us.
Thank you again for everyone who has sent cards/gifts/e-mails/support… it has meant a lot.

Noa’s status: pooing.

On my way to Tokyo

Well… unfortunately I have to go to Tokyo for a 3 day conference. It actually sucks a lot, because I won’t be here when Noa gets home from the hospital (which looks like it will be tomorrow! emoticon)

 I will however have a funny story about a Camera that I am being forced to buy … apparently my logic wasn’t good enough, but after Noa was born he was cute enough to warrant a camera. After being told by the people (being you!) that we don’t need one, I had given up. Now I have to start all of my camera purchasing planning again… arg…. woeth me.

At any rate, after Noa is home I should be able to sort out a photo album where you guys can go get your Noa fix (and for those of you who don’t need Noa pictures, I will continue to supply you with my meaningless photos/entries.)

IN THE MEANTIME… here are some very very up-to-date Noa pictures. 10/11 days old and counting. 

noaweek2-1.jpg  noaweek2-3.jpg noaweek2-4.jpg

That is all. 

Noa’s First Week – Part #2

Happy 1 week!!! (Don’t worry, this won’t be a regular thing!) emoticon 

As promised… here are some pictures of Noa from his 1st week in Japan (or anywhere!) from Kiko’s cellphone. I will begin with one of our favourite pictures so far…


Look… he’s sleeping. Because he is cute. And that’s what cute babies do…

noa-1stweek-kiko-1.jpg  noa-1stweek-kiko-2.jpg

 noa-1stweek-kiko-3.jpg noa-1stweek-kiko-4.jpg 

That is all. 

Noa’s First Week – Part #1

Still haven’t had a chance to go home for more than 2 seconds. Work is on hold, house is on hold.. everything is on hold until Noa and Kiko get sorted out! 🙂 So since I have been lax in updating the website, here are some pictures of Noa’s first 4 days that were taken at various times with my cell phone. (Part #2 will be from Kiko’s cell phone… she has some really good ones! emoticon)

noa-week1-1.jpgnoa-week1-2.jpg noa-week1-4.jpg noa-week1-5.jpg noa-week1-6.jpg

By the way… don’t worry about the tube. He had a little stomach trouble. He actually really likes it… he thinks it’s a soother… crazy babies. 

Still at the hospital

So here’s what I am going to do. Some of you want more Noa pictures. (Ok, I’m lying… anyone that has bothered to contact me wants more Noa pictures…) (Thanks!! emoticon)

So, I am going to setup a gallery/page for Noa only pictures. It will be updated regularily (because that’s what new parents do… take pictures of their babies!) so you can see how he is doing. If you don’t want the clutter, the main page will still be about us (including Noa stuff) but not only Noa.

This way you get lots of Noa pictures (if you want) and you can still come to read about Kiko, Noa, and I. (which is why you are here… right?)

Until Noa and Kiko I will be posting new pictures of Noa and Kiko here!

Shh… don’t tell anyone… but expect video soon.

noa12.jpg noa13.jpg

Why is his face so red? He enjoys pinching and scratching his eyes and cheeks. He also enjoys sleeping with his hands in his ears. He is a special boy.


More Noa

I cave to what the people want. (Or what I want to give the people.)

Kiko and I will be putting up more photos when I get some sleep. But worry not! This will not turn into a Noa-only website. Expect to see lots of stuff from all of us over the next few weeks. (That being said, this is also a good place to get lots of Noa pictures as well.)

noa0.jpg  "waaahhh.. give me books!"

… and send presents. I spoke with Noa and for his birthday he wants presents: English books, CD’s, anything that will enable him to communicate with you! 

Here are some pictures… enjoy!


Kiko is fine and anxious to get some so we can spend time together as a family.

And yes, I recognize how studly I look in that picture above. It was either that picture (which favours Noa), or the one below, which favours me. I chose the one above (the mark of a good father.)


She currently has Noa captive with her in the hospital.

That is all.

Love, David, Kiko, & Noa.