David back in Toronto… us back in Canada?

For the first time since joining AMD, I had a business trip to Toronto. (For those of you in the know, AMD purchased ATI [Canadian Graphics Company] 3 1/2 years back.)

While I can’t go into the details just yet (doesn’t the title say it all?) it gave me a chance to catch up with some some old friends.

For those of you who I didn’t contact, here is my schedule for the last 13 days.

Tokyo → Toronto → Tokyo → Austin → Tokyo

Priority was given to those who made the trek out to see me 🙂 (Sorry!)

(You didn’t know I was back? Check out facebook or twitter.com/debicha1979)

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Thanks for the nice hat Shane.


Goggy passed away today at the age of 97.

Will write more later, and want to thank everyone for the kind words.

A big thank you to Scott for the following

so sorry to hear. i know she was such a wonderful person… always talked to me when i came by, asking about my life and was genuinely interested. she lived a really long and full life and always seemed happy and positive.

I wish I could have been there with her.

shane & goggy @ xmas
dad, me & goggy

Goggy played a huge role in Shane and I growing up.


Noa’s Friends #2

Let’s suppose that work is super interesting, but very very busy. Now let’s suppose that I want to update the website with more exicitng Noa videos, but I just don’t have time…

Now what would I put in it’s place??? That’s right! Here is a collection of pictures featuring Noa and his friends and family. These were taken during our time back in Canada, and since we arrived in Tokyo! Enjoy…

ps. Many of you have been asking for pictures of our new house… more to come!

(and finally, as always, a big THANK YOU to all of you for your very kind wishes on my birthday.)

Love, David & Kiko & Noa






Canada Round-up

See below for what happens when you don’t visit davidandkiko.com


Why do you make the baby Noa cry? Does Baby Awesome (click that for some awesomeness) deserve this?

(No… I’m just joking. he’s crying because I beat him for being too cute.)

Although we still haven’t found a place to settle in yet here in Tokyo, that doesn’t mean we have a whole lot of excitement to share from our trip back to Canada. (ie. I still haven’t been able to get our photos off the camera yet. So these are a bit older…)

How about some Niagara Falls action? (one picture by me, one by Kiko)


How about some good friends?


How about family?


What about shocking good looks?

Dave Portrait 15072006_2027

See? I am clever and funny. 😉

Ok heres what you really wanted…
