Friends from Japan

Sorry about the delay in posting…
oh wait. I update the site like 10 times a week. are you guys crazy!?!?! just can’t get enough of us? that’s what I thought.

In case you didn’t remember, I forgot my flash card reader, so I have no way of getting my pictures off my camera until I am somewhere with a reader. Hence the delay between posting and between events and pictures (look for a great visit from some good friends in a few days!)

In the meantime, Kiko, Noa and I were really lucky to have some good friends from Kagawa come to Canada to visit. Ishikawa-sensei (my supervisor) and his family came to Toronto to visit. We got some Toronto, Niagara and Ottawa action in. The tri-fecta of tourism. A big thanks to Tray, Thomas, Chris, Franz and Shane for all your help.
Speaking of Shane… here is a picture.


(Just so you know, and I’m not making this up, the previous picture in the series shows Noa poking his own eye out.)

Here are some pictures from Ishikawa-sensei’s family trip to Canada.


We took them to Asian Legend (the best Chinese food in Toronto!) with Thomas, Tracy, and Shane, as well as a trip to Brampton to see Mom and the dogs.

As I mentioned, we got most of the major tourism points down. Some Ottawa,

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some Toronto, some Niagara, and a whole bunch of excitement at Tracy’s in Hamilton.

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Thank you everyone for your help, and a big thanks to the Ishikawa family for coming all the way to Canada!


Back in the day…

Instead of posting pictures of Noa, I give you this:

The Gang at Scott's Cottage

And now for a Noa video…

Remember our discussion of flowing noodles? While Scott & Stacey were visiting with us in Japan, we were invited for some more flying noodles.


Noa got in on the action. He was amazing at catching the noodles.

希空くんのビデオ (流しそうめん!)

Noa’s family in Canada

Sorry for the lengthy time in between updates. I know you were all excited about the "right from the airplane" and "automatic timed" updates, but now it’s time for a Canada-update…

Kiko and Noa have decided that they prefer Japan time, and have only recently started getting over their jet lag. I am not sure Noa realizes he is in Canada, but he seems to enjoy the dog’s company. Chloe (maybe some of you don’t know Chloe… I’ll get some pictures up) often tries to include Noa in her games and looks a little hurt when he doesn’t participate.

Anyways, things here are going well. We haven’t really seen all of our friends yet (which is a priority!). Chris and Lianne mde it up to Brampton which was very sweet, and we also got to spend some quality time with Trevor. Still would like to see you all, so give me a call in Brampton and get your asses over here. If not I will try and make some Toronto trips starting next week… I am rambling. (On a side note, did you know that every time I swear in a post it prevents many people from visiting the webpage because those crazy censor-internet-blockers in Japan (and elsewhere) block the website… crazy!)

 Where was I? Oh yeah… since Noa hasn’t gotten a chance to see many of our friends, we have concentrated on family. My family is absolutely thrilled (I think!) to meet Noa and Noa loves them. Here are a few pictures of Noa meeting his Canadian family. (I forgot the usb-wire to hook up our camera to my labtop!!! Fortunately we went to Tracy’s house where we were able to get a few pictures up. Thank you Tracy emoticon Tracy also has a kickass tablet pc which you can see here.)

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Noa also got a chance to meet his aunts and uncles…

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 … and his good friend Livvy.



More to come… 

Summer in Canada 2005

We are  back in Chunan!!! … and have begun the process to get rid of as much jetlag as possible. We both had a fantastic time back in Canada.

I had a scholarship interview that went fantastic emoticon(I’m gonna need something to do when my contract here ends in 2006/08 or 2007/08.) and we got to see a number of really good friends. That being said, we were completely strapped for time, and for everyone that we were able to see, there were 2 more people we would have loved to but couldn’t. Between my scholarship interview in the first week, my Dad’s operation in the second (he’s ok!) and the fact that we only had 10 days in Canada, we did our best.

For those that we did see: Thank you!!! We had an amazing time. emoticonFor those we didn’t: Next year, February. emoticonWe miss you all, and unfortunately because of the baby, this will be our only trip to Canada back this year. Next year we will be back with Baby Awesome (or whatever he/she is named at the time.)

In the meantime, here are a few sample pictures of what we did while back in Canada, and the full gallery can be seen by clicking here.

Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture

Shane’s Movie Debut

I’ve finally gotten off my lazy butt and started the new site. (Along with a few other surprises.) I am also debating buying a new camera, and building a MythBox. Wish me luck. By June I hope to have completely switched off of Windows for Linux.

There will be a new movie section where Kiko and I take little clips of things that are happening around us. As there is still a ways to go before 3.0, here is a sneak peak.

The Wonder of Shane     The Wonder of Shane part 2

Random “keitai” Images

keitai denwa is the Japanese word for “mobile phone.” Keitai meaning “to be able to carry” (or something like that.)

This is an assortment of random pictures I have taken over the last few weeks with my cell phone. Of particular note are my two Japanese nieces, the really cute little girl who lives next door, and… the child shopping cart.

And as promised to Chris, pictures from Japanese convenience stores are coming soon…

Our nience, Hina Our nience, Kana Shane at my old workplace The cute neighbour nextdoor, Reira

The child cart