On my way to the US [bubbles]

Hi guys,

Just a quick post before I leave… I am on my way to the US. First time going to Austin and San Francisco. It is pretty exciting as I hope to see one of my friends in San Francisco, and Kiko, Noa and Hana will be coming back to Tokyo when I get back… yeah!! Do you know what that means? Hopefuly it means more pictures and updates….

In the meantime, for the doubters out their that believe Noa and Shu are out to kill each other and that Noa is full of rage towards green pillows, have a look at them chillin and relaxin.


Mind you, Noa does look really angry at those bubbles.

Noa has a history of rage.

Noa full of rage

Noa’s Diary #8: お知らせ! Big News!


Recently Mommy is getting round like me.
I was wondering why, and then I asked daddy, and he told me that in
November I would be a big brother! So now I have to be nice to Mommy’s
tummy. In November I will be 2, and I think I can be a good big brother.


And there you have it…. someone want to find me a job?