Just to set the record straight…

it turns out that baby’s eyes do in fact grow. Both Kiko and I had read (separately, in Japanese and English) that the eye was the only part of a baby that didn’t grow. Apparently we were wrong. Very wrong.

Because baby’s eyes look so large in comparison with the rest of their face, it is a common misconception that the eye does not grow.

There you go… learned something new. Sorry guys! 😳

Although the circumstances were the worst possible, it was great seeing so many of our friends. We look forward to seeing you all in summer.

Dinner with friends  Dinner with friends

Friends in Canada part #1

We may be on vacation, but finding time (and a usb wire to get pictures off our camera) is proving to be way harder than it was in Chunan.

That being said, it seems as if we have angered the visitor-gods of this website. Once again there has been a request for more Noa pictures and less pictures/info about us. You are probably visiting davidandkiko.com, so what did you expect!!?? For those of you who visit davidandkikoandnoa.com, you have the right to request more Noa.

Anyways, to boost our popularity amongst the angries, enjoy this.

canada-cute1.jpg canada-bigboyclothes.jpg

That is Noa sporting is ulta cool "Tuesday" bib, and Noa in his big boy clothes. That is not Kiko in her pyjamas holding him up. (I suspect that any of you that get to see this picture will be lucky as the not-Kiko-in-her-pyjamas might make me take it down.)

Now, I have said it before: Our main reason to come to Canada this time is to see friends and family. We have had been really lucky as we have been able to spend a lot of time with Mom, Dad, Goggy, Tray and Shane (on occasion. He is going to make it up to us this week.) Fortunately last week we were able to see some friends as well. It is hard for us to get out much, so we appreciate those of you who are able to make it down to Brampton. Hopefully this week we can make it out a bit more and see some of my good good friends in Toronto, Brampton and other places. For not enjoy the first few pictures:


It’s Chris and Leanne. Have a look at the excellent blanket Leanne made. (THANK YOU!!)


(although Noa looks slightly retarded in that picture. Am I allowed to say that?)

We also spent some good times with Trevor, another good friend who we haevn’t seen in ages.


Our good friends Mike and Lara also made it up for a little. We are hoping to get down to their house today.

canada-mike.jpg canada-mikeandlara.jpg

Finally, we managed to get down to Toronto for a power lunch with Simon (who we haven’t seen in a few years and it was great to see. Thanks for the lunch, we are asses.)


Expect more pictures soon… and yes I am working on the new website. One of these days… emoticon

For all of you who we haven’t seen yet, call! Come to Brampton! Force us to come to Toronto! 8 days left.

David & Kiko emoticon

Summer in Canada 2005

We are  back in Chunan!!! … and have begun the process to get rid of as much jetlag as possible. We both had a fantastic time back in Canada.

I had a scholarship interview that went fantastic emoticon(I’m gonna need something to do when my contract here ends in 2006/08 or 2007/08.) and we got to see a number of really good friends. That being said, we were completely strapped for time, and for everyone that we were able to see, there were 2 more people we would have loved to but couldn’t. Between my scholarship interview in the first week, my Dad’s operation in the second (he’s ok!) and the fact that we only had 10 days in Canada, we did our best.

For those that we did see: Thank you!!! We had an amazing time. emoticonFor those we didn’t: Next year, February. emoticonWe miss you all, and unfortunately because of the baby, this will be our only trip to Canada back this year. Next year we will be back with Baby Awesome (or whatever he/she is named at the time.)

In the meantime, here are a few sample pictures of what we did while back in Canada, and the full gallery can be seen by clicking here.

Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture   Canada 2005 Picture