Noa is a movie star! (TV Star?)

Hey everyone! (See the bottom of this post for the big info!)
I am having a really good day.

It didn’t get rated so high, but I thought it was really quite good! Go watch it.

I also received my new computer in the mail! It is going to help a lot with work, and it is super cool.

I don’t know what the US model # is, but it is some sort of Lifebook. It is fantastic. I don’t to sound like more of a loser than I already am, but for $1400 it came with the unit, longer battery, free dvd writer add on, the packaging was fantastic, it is small, it works greater… 100% satisfied! Good call Tray!

and now the big news…

Noa was on TV the other day! It is his first TV appearance ever. He was on a show called Sekai Gyouten News (I should probably look up what Gyouten meansupdate: apparently it means “surprising” “amazing” “disturbing”) suffice it to say, Noa had some sort of eye cancer and they put him in a few scenes with some Russian parents. He was crying in one scene, but Kiko was overlooking and apparently they shot it when he was already cranky. The rest of the time he seems to be enjoying himself.

Suffice it to say, it was pretty crazy seeing your own baby on TV! I have cut out the boring parts and put together a little video.

Have a look!

An update to an update…

Oops. I promised some weirdness in my last update. I forgot the weirdness.

You want weirdness?

Let’s see… how about the Perverted Old Man Photography Club that has young models come and pose in front of various things picture? Today’s theme was cherry blossoms.

Cherry Blossom Girl Photo Club

Apparently they meet every once in awhile and have models stand in front of different things where they take pictures. This was just the first round. Right as we were leaving they had changed into mini skirts and there was a camera taking frenzy. nice… never mind the lack of cherry blossoms.

Ok… we should balance that out with a cool picture of Noa (because he is cool.)

Noa is cool

He looks like a rapper.

Hmm… still not balanced.

Let’s add in a movie of him saying something random:

希空くんのビデオ (英語)

Finally, people have been asking about what Noa likes.

Here is a list of things that Noa likes that may or may not be correct.

  1. Food (any)
  2. Anpan-man
  3. Trains and Cars
  4. Elephants
  5. Punching his parents in the face and then saying “ow”
  6. Dancing
  7. Stickers

Recently he loves peeling off stickers. Fortunately he usually puts them on paper.

Noa likes stickers

Noa being pushed around, helicopters and weirdness

Remember how we said Noa got a new bike? Well he was pissed because we haven’t shown it to you yet.

New Bike

He is so cool. He has no idea about steering though. It takes forever for him to go anywhere because we have to keep readjusting his trajectory.

More importantly is news on Noa’s gheyness. Look at these pictures I found.

Noa being pushed around

Thats right…. Noa also knows female children.

(that makes one of us. to be perfectly honest, I have no idea who this child is. I found it on my computer after I uploaded the latest batch of pictures. Never seen the kid before in my life. What is she doing with Noa? I have no idea. Let’s ask Kiko.)

Unfortunately she was pushing Noa around.

After he came home I beat some sense into him and set things straight.

Noa doing the pushing

That’s right! You go where Noa tells you to go.

Who ever said Noa was ghey? [1] [2] [3]

(it may or may not have been caused when Jim rammed his head into a light fixture at the age of one month)

(this resulted in the following picture)

Noa and Jim

And finally… I promised you helicopters.

希空くんのビデオ (ヘリコプター #1)

And more helicopters…

希空くんのビデオ (ヘリコプター #2)

What does this all prove?

That baby awesome is still awesome.

Baby Awesome

Middle of March: What have we been doing!?

So, how was our week?

It wasn’t too exciting. It is almost Sakura (Cherry Blossom) season, so we have been taking it easy.

We thought we would take this opportunity to show you what we have been up to recently.

First things first, people wanted more of the half-baby parade.

Half baby Parade
Noa was also transported to Toys R Us where his Grandmother (over here) bought him a wheel rider. He loved it in the store, but has since decided that he only wants to push it around.

Noas new bike
Noa has also decided that he can get angry for reasons ranging from nothing to not getting him his milk quick enough.

Noa is angry
For those of you who doubt Noa can speak English. Here he is talking about his favourite thing.

希空くんのビデオ (英語)

I have decided that Noa likes rabbits. See here.

希空くんのビデオ (ウサギ)

I think Kiko may have finally overtaken me in the photo department.

Noa and flowers

Recently Noa … in Video (aka. Noa vs. Tickle Me Elmo Round #2)

… with a special appearance by me.

…. directed by Kiko.

So! Noa loves elephants. In Japan apaprently elephants go “Paaaaaauuu” so that’s what Noa screams whenever he sees an elephant. Our good friend, Nakanishi-san, bought Noa a nice big elephant stuff toy. Watch as Noa opens it up!

希空くんのビデオ (象さん)

The next weekend we took a trip to Toys R Us. There, Noa shows his gift for singing (clearly better than Jim) while playing the piano. Heres a picture:


And here’s the video…

希空くんのビデオ (ピアノ #2)

and finally

NOA VS. Tickle Me Elmo X : Round 2

So, our very dear friends Mike and Lara bought Noa a ticklet me Elmo before Christmas last year. (Thank you!!!) You should have seen the shuddering and terror it brought to Noa. Unfortunately we couldn’t get the video up. Well, we haven’t been able to bring it out of the box because Noa has developed some sort of trauma over it.

We thought that since we were in Toys R Us, and Noa was having such a good time, that we would give it another go in a new environment to see if he hadn’t warmed up to Elmo….

希空くんのビデオ (ブルブル)

Happy Valentines Day from Noa … in the form of video excitement

Happy Valentines Day from david and kiko and Noa.

Did you know that in Japan, women have to give chocolate to the male members in their family, male friends, boyfriends, co-workers and colleagues. Men don’t have to give anything… until White Day (March 14th of course) when these gifts of chocolate are returned in the form of candy or sweets.

Weird. Did you know that? Now you do.

For Valentine’s Day, Noa has asked us to upload some new videos. Apparently he is upset by some of the things he reads here where people accuse him of not being able to dance or play the piano. He is very sensitive. (I told him the other day that his jumping wasn’t very good and he started to cry. true story.)

So, direct from Noa, here is some video excitement.

Noa Plays the Piano

For those of you who don’t believe that Noa can play the Piano… in a cafe.

希空くんのビデオ (ピアノ #1)

希空くんのビデオ (ピアノ #2)

Watch as Noa creates a new dance especially for Jim’s band lame…

希空くんのビデオ (ダンス)

希空くんのビデオ (クリスマス #4)Pictures tomorrow!

An Update – finishing off last year

We are planning a big post of all the things we have been up to over the New Years. Expect those soon!

In the meantime, a little bit of house cleaning. Here is a video of I have been meaning to put up of Noa’s 1st slide ride.

But before that, the man himself wants to say hey.


I’m not ghey!

and now for the feature presentation

希空くんのビデオ (スライド)

Noa’s Christmas … in video!

Some people complain that we don’t have enough about Kiko and I on the site.

Others complain that we don’t have enough Noa.

Most complain that the current password system sucks.

Let’s address these issues. The password system is on the way out. My last day of work for a week is tomorrow…I will fix things! As for more Kiko and I, that is also coming.

Now for those of you who want more Noa, today is the first of a two part series.

Noa’s Christmas

Enjoy the excitement as Noa opens his Christmas presents.

希空くんのビデオ (クリスマス)

希空くんのビデオ (クリスマス #2)

Watch as Noa freaks out when I ask kindly for his precious apples.

希空くんのビデオ (クリスマス #3)

希空くんのビデオ (クリスマス #4)

Pictures tomorrow!

A little video loving…

I think we are almost over the initial hiccups of the new password system. Ug. 😉 I actually have no idea why so many crazies want to crash, so you will have to forgive us. If you are reading this then everything is a.o.k. C.o.o.l.

A bit of exciting news… we will be opening up a video section in the next few weeks. There will be a ton of videos of Noa and us all nicely layed out. It should be pretty exciting and we are looking forward to having more stuff for you guys to see, and new ways for you to make fun of Noa.

In the meantime, here is a video of the genius boy himself. Kiko taught him how to say “uh oh” and you can see him doing a little bit of feeding himself action.

希空くんのビデオ (食べている)